Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

targets; all sorts

I must amend my earlier blog entry from this morning (or close to morning).

I realize full well that a number of Targets are wealthy and I do not wish to minimize thier plight in any way. Losing everything is a horrible thing whether one has hardly any material posessions or has alot.
There are cases I have heard where the person is/was a heir who the rest of the family wants out of the way. There is the obvious case of targeting of the gentleman in Bloomfield's movie 'Tracking Down Maggie'. It seems he's educated and savvy enough to not call it 'gangstalking' , he simply states that these operations are meant to make the complaintant look crazy..thats not verbatum but thats the gist. (isnt it wonderful how my ability to spell has gone out the window with the rest of my mind/talents/ memories?) The man lost his business and has all the 'symptoms' that the rest of us have.

Its just that in my case I highly suspect that alot of brats in the know are in on me being targeted and its been marketed as "lets pick on this poor person"..I know thats how they have marketed it becuz a perp who drove for Harrison Taxi in Waltham
(waltham has been one of the most brutal offenders in the campaign against me and i will never ever forgive them, and it will not be forgotten. They probly think becuz its my families hometown they can do as they please..either that or my family has given them carte blanch to do as they please..for all i know they may have been strong arming my family for years, i dont know what my families relationship is like with this community. I do know that my great grandfather busted his ass building that house my grandmother was born in and will probably die in, in his spare time. Mistreatment by anyone in Waltham is an insult to everything my family worked for and is a slap in the face to the concept of the American dream.
Unless all along its been some vendetta against my family I dont know about..if you know write my eamil, let me know, i want dirt on my family..they've always lied to me or kept me in the dark about everything. )
The cab driver knew things he shouldnt have about my life at the time(of course) and then said "oh, well. it doesnt pay to be poor" its been marketed as i deserve this somehow becuz i was poor. These jerks will go after any vulnerability they can to make sure you fall and do not get up again. It pays to be money/asset 'poor' if you are trying to become a better person inside and sometimes one has to give up ones old lifestyle in order to do that. Its better to take your time and find out what you really want to do for a living especially if u r in transition, than to take on some job that brings wealth and remain an insidious, outrageous assh*le all your life...
just to keep the money flowing. Sometimes your soul or emotional well being is more important.

I think that was a pretty lofty reason to be 'poor'...trying to find the right way.

I also think its great that in the time we live in, being 'poor' can actually be used as a legit excuse to target someone basically to death when really u r covering up for other crimes..

and the public will believe it.

Anyway, its never a matter of financial status with being a Targeted person...anyone can be targeted. For knowing too much, having sensitive info, whistleblowing..we all know the run down from the websites and hearing other alleged targets speak about thier situations in the forums and through thier blogs.
Personally, I think that humans just do not care about other humans who fall by the wayside. I really dont. All day I see or sense people feel bad about my situation but feel its beyond thier reality...dont feel bad.
Either do something about it or stick with your decision to take part in all targeting of human beings by saying nothing.
This country tortures itself constantly by taking part in war then regretting it daily. The ancient Roman in me cannot stand this sappy crying b*llshit. You have made a decision to take part in a war against another country or group of human beings.
Their will be casualties and alot will be civilians. Children and women will be raped and sacrificed by soldiers who are either programmed or pushed too far to care about anything.
Torture will be implemented to gain confessions and cooperation from enemies.
Blood will be shed.
Your loved ones will die or be injured. They may return uhappy about thier original decision to go, or they may be proud to serve and return satisfied with thier choice of sacrifice to thier country.
This is what goes on in a f*cking war...stop torturing yourselves and either stick by your decision to get behind any war your country engages in or protest it you see fit.

One day maybe you might consider no wars as a way of life for all humans--that might be the best guilt reducer yet.

Stop hanging yer heads when u see me or indicating u feel bad.
I am of victim status but I do not view myself as victim. This would give the enemy more elbow room for stockholm syndrome which is being pushed pretty hard lately.

I continue to work, I travel...I ignore the publics completely distasteful partaking in my misery daily by ignoring the perps and peoples stupid knowing smiles as much as possible.

You feeling bad for me is just more sick self indulgence on your part....yeh, you look like you feel bad but deep down its a "better her than me " sentiment.

So all targets, wealthy and poor suffer greatly.
It is the death of one's future and one's dreams...even one's personality, mind and emotions...
it seems people enjoy watching destroyed the very things money cannot buy or perhaps this is the assh*les ultimate thrill becuz now they can seemingly use money to 'buy' what the target has, in a way, by using funds to destroy it.

I notice alot of us are targeted by people in unions alot..thier involvment is nationwide.. its much creepier than mere wealthy peoples involvment. Its really the most unhealthy population taking part in destroying a targets life becuz it adds to thier delusional belief that the world would stop spinning and we would all starve to death if the union members stopped performing thier jobs. They seem to get a very anchoring experience out of being part of the destruction of a targets life, especially if that target be a female. Thier overblown sense of manhood based on being necessary to the gagnstalking process is astounding.
these are the kinds of people that will say to you that art is really a luxury item and truly believe thier world is more valid.
It seems wealthy white males pick on these men regularly on the job and off so I can see where they would want to pick on a destitute struggling white female to 'even up the score' and make themsellves feel better. .... (?). Uuuhh, yah.

Truckers, UPS drivers, busdrivers, city workers, firemen..thier is no end to the union members who were a large part of destroying MY life as well as other targets complain of this regularly as well.
I have tried to figure out the way these people think and I still need some sort of psychological profile to get more info. I know its the strong group/strong grid enviroment they are in..this in itself may serve as such a sense of tribe that they simply act out of that group mentality.

I have also read that the Masons have had a real problem with membership being simply persons who are out fro themselves and not really what the Brotherhood was supposed to be about. I know alot of the people who set me up were members..from arrogant limo drivers to certain private detectives it seems the Masons nowadays will take all..ahem, sorts.
I assume these people abusing the network are only allowed outer access and status.

Its fun to watch me fumble in the dark, isnt it ? while everyone can have superior knowledge about my life and its destruction? How I am not allowed to really ever know what s going on so I am basically still living like a mind control victim again... its fun to take part isnt it? to laugh at me becuz I am the victim? to feel good becuz you are 'in on it'? To feel powerful becuz you feel you are controlling someones life, maybe even for the better?

What you are doing is destructive. There has been nothing good about what has happened to me. I will not learn any lessons you wish me to learn, perhaps concerning ultimate power or the prowess of males (once they organize covertly and act more sneaky than females) nor respect for authority. The respect I had for authority was not based soley on fear which you, as a society cannot seem to tolerate.
If you are trying to be helpful in my deprogramming by teaching me a healthy sense of fear or respect then you have failed. The completion of deprogramming needs to be done with a therapist and a hypnotist and slowly with caring and trust..not this hatchet job resembling a quick fix via psycho surgery and electro shock treatment. The same old story..keep someone quiet by committing them. Is this story line just a little too cliche for anyone else? I was bored pages ago.
And we all know how it turns out. Either I give in and accept defeat and surrender on your terms probly and admission I was wrong , I needed fixing, I imagined all this and I am crazy and then getting a nice mindless desk job and taking in a husband to protect me. ( nausea is coming on).

OR convenient.

OR...hopefully all these crimes against targets and humanity will be exposed and even if it takes 20 or 30 years people will admit to using non lethal weapons, drugs, poisons and psychological warfare on other human beings for.
In thier own country.
Without a declaration of war. (did I miss something in the mail?).

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