Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Beware the mirroring out in The Worldscape

I recall reading this and it was sort of...similar to my situation. If it was a mind game, which there have been of this type, then it failed on this here TI.

There has been alot of this especially in the early days of 24/7. Cases of seemingly targeted individuals reacting badly to similar circunstances.
A story like this is in itself a veiled threat. I beleive the system uses this type of story to threaten other TI's.

When I read this I was still very mentally and emotionally controlled by the system and said to myself " they think I am going to react to my circumstances in the same way.." somehow it legitimized the survaillence and stalking of me. Like I deserved it becuz I might be dangerous like this woman. They actually had me so afraid that the fear was pure put up with continued harassment. Just the intimation that you MIGHT be a terrorist or like this woman in some way along with all the harassment is enough force a human mind living under torture to allow further abuse by authority.

You must understand that the torture in Guantanamo is almost a physical diversion but it should not be. Always remember that whatever the system is pulling on countries at a given time will be en vogue to use on individuals. And whatever is happening that is obvious and in the public eye will be an example of what is en vogue to use covertly. This is a pattern I notice among war and I trust it as a rule of thumb.

For instance I know that I had an experience in St. Loius where the same actions and results as waterboarding was used on me, but without the physical actions being the same.
It was done by helicopter and I was half asleep. Made sick to my stomach; horrible pain. I got the ideation somehow that I was 'going to die' so I might as well 'tell ' what my true motivations were for my actions.
When I went through my thoughts and the outside entity/tech realized that it had to do with tbmc and also my family..and that was really all I wanted to do before I died, my 'mission', the outside entity seemed..frightened by the results and the 'copter left. One indication that this was not a dream was that the copter was hovering above for an extended amount of time.

Someone is experiemnting with FALSE ENVIROMENTS OUTSIDE PHYSICAL STRUCTURES ..OUT IN PUBLIC SPACES. This would explainm, now I see, the comment made to me by an obvious perp a few weeks ago, I beleive I blogged about. That his friend was making dog noises becuz it was his job as a 'performance artist' to make dog noises "as a diversion in public spaces". Flash mobbing is also experimentation with altering reality in public covert means. And there are things I have seen I will not tell you about.
Someone is trying to see just how to alter human councousness by covertly altering outside spaces of humans.
I say its a sneaky enslavement of the human race..plain and simple. Instead of jsut certain people being targeted, whole populations will be targeted.

TI's who are artisically inclined or computer wizards (people who think in abstact) are often the recipients of what I call psy ops in the media. This is something that if its overt enough you could document. Its harassment via a very personal there are subliminals in ads but they are to infuence all human minds to purchase a product.
The Rule is that 1) they are all a from of tbmc 2) they only two themes that work on the human mind are Sex and Death. (see the works of Dr. Wilson Brian Key for references or more info on this. His works are essentially supressed now via unavailability).

The subliminals in the media are tailored for particuar TI's especially receptive are the type of people I mentioned.
This type of targeting however if mentioned to anyone is the number one way to get labeled. But if the phenomena was studied it would become obvious that there was something going on that had malicoius intent. If ad time can be rented from the media then why cant this type of space gbe bought? From what TI's have seen in thier lives we know that anything withing reason is possible.
And this kind of activity is not unreasonable...any denials that you recieve would be not be based on this being impossible to pull off but would be based in denials like "why are you so important?", "people dont waste thier time doing things like that", or that human beings are not that sinister.
Its a simple case of what I said. Psy ops for an individual not a country. Its mirroring thats all.
The newstory above may have been a threat to ALL TI's to not react badly or see what happens when you snap. Or it could have been for a small group who all had these same conditons thrust upon them.
If you look at all this as an experiment you can see how I react differntly to the same circumstances and stresses as another targeted person. Also, another stressor is thinking that this woman was probably targeted and she did not realize it was a system of oppression/covert war she was victimized by...which furthers MY sense of isolation, sadness, loss and fury over injustice..and my helplessness as a female.
It was a mindfuck and I saw it at the time that way.

As far as experiementing with false enviroments, the example here is to suggest that tech, deception and covert activity are being used on individuals, groups of TI's who do not know each other but are obviously grouped by the experiemtners, and then whole societies.

It seems the goal is covert social control but it may have other uses that I am not thinking of.

But if you see this kind of 'gee that could have been me ' type story it IS intended to intimidate.
Its another 'shhh, dont tell' tactic by the perpetrators. 'tell' and you'll be labeled. 'tell' and you'll go crazy. React to us and we will punish you.

The key is to find ways to 'react' to the this covert systems abuse that tells what is going on and thus IS action against them and punishes them but does not get you, the victim, in trouble.

I have had perps, realy overtly crazy ones in AZ say to me things like "Dont go crazy!" Like ha ha ha.
As I write this for the last half hour there has been increased door slamming around me and down the halls, desk activity with the slamming of the half door that gains access to behind the desk, drawer slamming, loud throwing of objects behind the desk. I have felt my stress levels rise. I made sure I wasnt 'going crazy' by asking a girl beside me if she sensed the change and she said yes. It had become very noisy.

I often wonder if the system can do this by making the TI more sensitive to simuli. Also, do staff and guests it a perp group? Or is it just good ol remote influence.

Always remember that humans are behind all of this and no matter how advanced or educated humans are stilll greedy animals. There will be a blcoking of the TI's efforts if the TI is getting in the way of something that the greedy animals..I mean perps want. So the timing of this noise and upset to my system is not about ME and me being at fault or paraniod. Its about me writng something that gets in THIER way.

Maybe they should have let me alone to be a councillor and an artist instead of forcing me into investingating and exposing this stuff in self defense. Its either that or give in to the awful mind controlled state where I actually beleive,through much 'suggestion' (harassment) after living under duress for so long (torture), that I want to move to the suburbs, marry some nice normal middle class guy(where I belong) and work everyday in a nice normal job...and not have to be so smart or think too hard about things. Where I can be ever so happy in this haze of confusion-becomes-sense.
Its called brainwashing via trauma and I refuse to comply.

It does illustrate however, just how the social control is going to be put down.

Chaos, the feeling that you have been pulled apart in every direction, too much going on, confusion, overwhelmed...trauma will exist constantly. You will be handled and gently smiled at so as to deny what is happening in your own mind as damaging.
I can see it as pure math...a structure.

In short, all the nonsense forces you to break down and finally choose a reality that makes sense. Even though it is not right for you and is not what you should be doing with your life as a focus or a vocation. You get forced, coerced into it by the gangstalking system basically denying you any other reality. And its obvious that you are being forced into this reality by the constant suggestions via perps in daily life as well as other delivery systems.
Its the same as water boarding for interrogation purposes as I mentioned via helecopter.
Its done through direct human contact, covertly, using tech as well.

But throughout history behavior modification camps, like POW camps have interrigated thru terror as well as brainwashed.
This would show that humans engage in this behavior regularly. And if they can find a way to get away with re education camps that do not cause public outcry..why wouldnt they?

I have the benefit of being told right to my face by a perp in AZ that I am only "allowed to grow very conditionally". Which is exactly what has happened over the last many years.
A severe limiting of my access, freedom, movement, socialization and everything else it would take to create a life for myself of my own design.
It is to be by the systems design it is obvious.

Mirroring in the ways I mentioned are just one way that the system can create a wall to trap a TI in...everything they do creates a jail cell and a prison. Built of terror and fear. Then suggestions are made to people so desperate for human love or approval that they will take whatever they are given that will releive the isolation and torture as well as let them recieve social approval once againg from other humans.

The hardest part is that if someone is ignorant of covert warfare, especially that it is undertaken at all against individuals, they will be so far removed from the reality of this happening, that TI's claims appear simply cases of mental illness.

As I have written this throughout there has been repeated thoughts of not being beleived or that people will say it is just mental illness.
This is the usefulness not only of PTSD in a TI as a mechanism of self harassment (via 'replaying' perps harassment over and over daily) in the service of the perps but the usefulness of people close to the TI having been the ones to initiate the original threats/intimidations.
(my sponsor, my mother, and a few others close to me. Without the betrayal of those closest with this original threat/intimidation, the system of strangers as gangstalkers/perps would have no power to use this suggestion against me.
Also the constant intimation by strangers and authorities that you are being investigated or watched is a constant 'fuel' for the power of this suggestion. ) Over and over again its the intimation 'you are dangerous', ' you are mentally ill'. Then from there they can mold that into an easy way out like 'just accept you imagined it all'.
Perhaps to finally take the persona, the life we are offering you: The little life of the little woman in the burbs. Join the ranks of the social class you belong to. Isn't it easier than continued fighting the system that abuses you so?
This keep the person under constant control.

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