Indigo Awareness Ribbon

Indigo Awareness Ribbon


Please be advised that this written work is theory. It's theorizing, pondering and amateur research. For legal reasons I state that I have no actual belief in these theories as fact, if I did I would have sought legal recourse. Until that occurs this blog can only be considered theory. If it does then any and all actions PAST AND FUTURE that have been taken against me during the years producing this work will be labeled war crimes under international law and any other legal protections that apply.
I am a writer, an activist and artist. I claim my RIGHT TO EXIST legally under US Constitution and international law.

This is an educational blog for awareness as well as sometimes a telling of candid personal experiences to demonstrate theories as they might be experienced by a person who theoretically is existing under such conditions. Thus the 'candid' expression, poetic license and marketing myself as product or character. This is NOT a journal or diary.
Being a reasonable person of sound mind if I had concerns for my safety or others I would take responsible action for self care as my established medical history can demonstrate.
Any actions taken against me by others questioning my sanity or competence based on my produced work will be construed as activist/dissident intimidation and whistle blower retaliation and proper legal action will be taken against you by my family and support system.

Be warned that no further interference with my production of meaningful work as an artist and activist will be tolerated.

Friday, August 4, 2017

In Defense Of Trump: The Golf Story or "The White House Is A Dump" Comment

So this somehow is worse than Michelle Obama's comment about not being proud of her country until she had some personal gain in becoming First Lady and a percieved victory for her racial demographic?

We have many rights and freedoms in this country protected and worked for by everyone from politicians to unseen wealth to lawyers, law enforcement, military and every person who makes a difference by paying attention and working on keeping these freedoms valid and a part of our country. Even activists like me who people resent as we seem to threaten the status quo and livelhood of people, ultimately work to preserve those same freedoms and warn people about possible issues in the future as progress brings technology into our lives even our bodies.

How can I be proud of my country when Ive been framed up for domestic terrorism three times in an effort to seemingly take away the rights I just mentioned? Im proud now not after I win my cases and sue the shit out of everyone.

Because I know that the corruption is localized to an area that has been traditionally corrupt for decades and that though Im disappointed in my community I am confident that the justice system as well as higher authorities will establish order once again according to rule of law and my rights as a US citizen.

You are lucky to be born here or come here to live. Let her go to Kenya and live for a while without the benefit of US citizenship or presidential status and guaranteed shed pine for poverty in the US as an alternative to anywhere else.

Also consider Trump is a businessman not a politician. People seem to forget this. Its never been his job to mince words for public acceptability. It has been his post for years to be an outrageous, entertaining character.

Consider the fact hes made a living out of owning top hotels. To his eyes anything not up to standard is probably offensive. Just like being asked to get something off the shelf in a store offends Michelle Obama's tender sensibilities.

What I like about Trump is that he's rich and an asshole but sensible. And he doesn't have to keep up a political legacy like Bush. And he certainly has a much less dangerous agenda-be grateful..or perhaps you've forgotten or arent old enough to remember the absolute horrors of the Bush era.
Obama got elected basically because much of America had been beaten within an inch of our lives under the Bush administration. The rest of the country of course wanted him in for their own agenda.

The Obama's appeal to upwaedly mobile middle and lower and new money sensibilities and sensitivities always made me ill.
His parading as a messiah and leading us to The Promised Land wasnt for me. I cant relate. Our people are born with the charge of a never ending fight against the castle on the hill-or the dictator or to always be watchful of the emporor lest we encounter another Caligula or Nero. The promised land lies in fighting oppression your born into and contributing improvements during your lifetime. There is no promised land or perfect world system. These are Machievelian deceptions of those in power.

Im used to everyone being in their distinct classes and we leave each other the fuck alone. If they choose to downshift great-if I decide to become upwardly mobile then wonderful.

The eight year DIVERSION of race, the nonsense of conceptualizing people as 'colors' like a box of crayons in kindergarten without ANY respect for genetics, culture, geography, history, belief or human spirit in order to cover up for political intrigue, fuck ups and hypocritical policies IS OVER.

He also is constantly backlashing against the censorship of the past admin by utilizing free speech-aggressively and creatively.

Bush claimed conspiracy theory or even unpopular questions from journalists were "subversive" and Obama took this further into our lives and now our college campuses,work places and schools.

Its nice to have an arrogant big businessman in office who I can see more clearly because hes not clouding my vision with cult mind control tactics that should have nothing to do with US citizenship or being a private citizen in a country like ours.

I love his wife dripping with jewels. I love the fear hes inspiring. I love those super creepy pics of him and his daughter some years ago.
Here is a man..just a man with problems, issues, misdeeds, scandals and complete fucked upness who is clearly viewed for what he is.

Again the public chooses to turn a blind eye-just as they did to Bush's kissing the head of a military male prostitute with a cover as a Whitehouse reporter. Recall also the scandal of Bush the elder where that dump-the Whitehouse was utilized for late night call boy services. The investigation stopped by authorities and media coverage banned by influence

Trump seems to have some best interest at heart as well as a sense of humour about how fucked up things are-and he himself is.

Theres something desperate and human about him. He lacks that complicated cold stone quality of intergenerational bloodline money like Bush.

Hes genuinely AMERICAN in his story and his character whereas one might claim that Bush and the like are simply an extension of old monarch rule from the old families overseas.

Im old enough to have watched Trump for 40 years. Late night talk shows, interviews with many sketchy comments interjected for shock yet no one seemed to notice or want to. This is a business man or womans magickal talent-to be able to sneak around you like a snake slithering at your feet. Ever hold a big snake? They are beautiful and kind of calming and they are part of Nature and so are people like Trump.

Its about time I get treated like a fucking ADULT by a guy who is openly a sexist pig-because Im 46 and used to cause car wrecks in short dresses so Ive been dealing with that for decades.

Trump is telling us to stop whining about microbullshit and who can use what restroom and pay attention to the real threats around us.
Its time to mind the store and thats pretty much what he's good at and has made a career out of.

Its nice to get back to the business of living instead of being indoctrinated by force into a damned cult. Bush bombed us until we surrendered-Obama imprisoned us as we continued to fight through resistance.

Trump is putting a deal on the table-what he does remember-to determine our own fate. Something that used to be typically American especially in the 80s.


Thats the challenge. You may get jailed for protesting nowadays but at least you wont get pepper sprayed by SWAT teams right in the face as you sit peacefully or shot with rubber bullets. Have we forgotten the Bush era?

Maybe we can actually protest and focus on the real issues not get diverted with domestic social issues while committing war crimes over seas like the Obama era.

Trump presents opportunity. Thats what business people do.

If you are old enough to recall being able to act like a grown up and a free American citizen then welcome back to reality-if you are too young to remember then learn it.

Its a wonderful wonderful place to be.

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